Tuesday, January 7, 2025


Frequently Asked Questions


Q. Doesn’t a charcoal filter or a reverse osmosis system provide the best drinking water?
A. No, unfortunately they do not. There are a lot of misconceptions about charcoal filters. Although they improve the taste of the water and reduce odors, they are very selective in removing contaminants. Depending on the problem that exists with your water supply, charcoal may do little or nothing to solve the problem. Reverse osmosis systems are costly to install and expensive to maintain. They leave water unbalanced and remove essential minerals like calcium and potassium. Both charcoal filter and reverse osmosis systems do not remove all of the harmful contaminates that may come into your home/office from the public water supply or well system. Both systems require a maintenance program and changing of filters that if not done at the right time will leave your water with the very condition you are trying to eliminate.

Q. Is spring water from a Newater system better than public water?
A. Newater Systems’ water comes from a single source and we can guarantee its analysis. Although Public water sources are governed by the EPA, and testings are extensive, there are many contaminants allowed at low levels in public water systems not present in the water supplied by Newater Systems.

Q. Where does the water come from?
A. Our water source is Mountainwood Spring, located in Hardwick, NJ. Because we acquire water from a single spring, we can provide an extensive analysis of all the water that is delivered. There are very few bottled water suppliers and no filter manufacturers that are able to make that claim. Our one-of-a-kind distribution equipment infuses the water with a proper level of ozone at each delivery making sure the system stays free of any harmful bacteria or organisms. Check out how it works to learn more.

Q. Why shouldn’t I just buy bottled water from the supermarket?
A. Bottled water is hard to handle, takes up valuable storage space, and creates a very negative environmental impact. Americans bought 36 billion bottles of water last year, 85% of which ended up in the landfill. The average five-gallon container lasts for 35 fills before it needs to be replaced, further adding to the environmental impact. Additionally, most plastic bottles contain BPA which is a carcinogen that is linked with to many other health issues. Five-gallon water bottles are extremely heavy (42 pounds) and cumbersome. Buying bottles from the store requires loading a shopping cart, loading into the car, unloading the car and storing in the house, and moving the bottles to the final use point. The Newater system eliminates all of that work.

Q. Is it expensive to get a Newater System installed?
A. Not at all. We install the system at no up-front cost to the customer. A typical installation takes approximately three hours to complete. There are no contracts required. There are no bottle deposits. There are no delivery fees. There are no dispenser rentals required. Water is simply billed to the customer on a per gallon consumed basis at very competitive prices.

Q. Is Newater available for installation in my home?
A. Yes! Please go to our new residential page for details.



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